It was really interesting to observe Harrison's reactions to skating. He is super athletic so it was very difficult for him to understand why there were kids much younger than him cruisin' around the rink with no problems. By the end of the night, Harrison could skate around the rink by himself. Zane was also a trooper. He would not give up and really enjoyed this new sport! Meno and his friends put on a great show while Addison kept asking for a snack bar break! Harrison is determined to become good at skating. He went so far as to even borrow Isabel's skates to practice!!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Cruisin' Together..
It was really interesting to observe Harrison's reactions to skating. He is super athletic so it was very difficult for him to understand why there were kids much younger than him cruisin' around the rink with no problems. By the end of the night, Harrison could skate around the rink by himself. Zane was also a trooper. He would not give up and really enjoyed this new sport! Meno and his friends put on a great show while Addison kept asking for a snack bar break! Harrison is determined to become good at skating. He went so far as to even borrow Isabel's skates to practice!!
Posted by Sarah at 10:58 AM 2 comments
Cool Runnings!
This past weekend Michael joined the scouts in their annual sledding events so us girls were left to fend for ourselves. Regardless of the snow, we couldn't just waste a perfectly good weekend in the house. Yia Yia and myself decided to take the girls sledding.. something we did quite often growing up! The best hill in the area for 2 little girls was the York College Hill.. woohoo! Isabel and Alexandra had been tramatized when they have went sledding with Daddy! He would send them down our hill in the backyard which was very very steep and it always ended in disaster.. so Yia Yia and I should not have been surprised that the whole trek up this large hill was whining from Isabel. When we finally reached the peak, an older man noticed Isabel was screaming and refused to go down the hill so he pointed to one of the less steep areas of the hill.. he was pretty surprised when I continued with my plan to go down the steepest part. Isabel screamed the whole way down the hill.. scream for fear or fun i'm not sure.. however when we came to a holt she yelled, "That was fun can we do it again!" Needless to say, we had the best time! We spent most of the time bob-sledding in one sled.. it gave us much more momentum and distance!
Posted by Sarah at 10:27 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Little Thought..
This week I was doing alot of thinking about our little ones and why there are times that bad things happen to them. I thought alot about how I would feel if something happened to my little girls and felt uneasy the more I thought of this. I picked up one of the great books we happen to have in our little library.. When Times Are Tough by John Bytheway. I felt inspired to share two thoughts that put me to ease. John shared this thought, "The Lord takes many away even in infancy, that they may escape the envy of man, and the sorrows and evils of this present world; they were too pure, too lovely, to live on earth; therefore if rightly considered, instead of mourning we have reason to rejoice as they are delivered from evil, and we shall soon have them again.The only difference between the old and young dying is, one lives longer in heaven and eternal light and glory than the other, and is freed a little sooner from this miserable, wicked world. Only through mortality can we achieve immortality."
And why are some little children sent into homes where they are beat, molested, abused, and neglected?
"They are the ones who volunteered in the preexistence to be a savior on the Mount, to come to a family drowning in sickness and sin and to be the means of purifying that lineage. Before them in that line were generations of ugly, destructive, family relationships. Downstream from their purifying influence every generation would be blessed with light and love. The role of a savior is to suffer innocently for the sins of others. There can be no higher calling."
This is a good book to have. It helped to shed just a little bit of light for me and was actually a talk prepared for those youth who attended the Columbine Seminary during their tragedy.
Posted by Sarah at 8:21 PM 3 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Home Improvements..
Where have we been.. many have asked?! With us now both working full time, weekends are gold! Along with just trying to get the normal stuff done around the house we have been making home improvements. Our biggest improvement yet has been our bathroom. It has taken months and much help from my Dad and Meno! Thanks so much!
Posted by Sarah at 3:48 PM 9 comments
Roller Skating..
Posted by Sarah at 3:10 PM 0 comments
Christmas 2007
Christmas this year for our family was a whirlwind. Isabel was ill on Christmas Eve so we had to forgo our plans of spending time with extended family. Our big Christmas feast consisted of Chicken Noodle Soup.. wooh..i'm being sarcastic :P Luckily the next morning, Isabel woke up feeling pretty darn good. We found a huge gift out on our doorstep from a dear old neighbor we think. Seconds later we noticed the house across the street was on fire with the owners standing outside wrapped up in blankets. It was very hard to get into theChristmas Spirit and focus on gift giving knowing that there were people across the way watching everything they had burn. Everyone did make it out of the house safely.
Posted by Sarah at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Christmas Nativity..
Posted by Sarah at 2:14 PM 0 comments
A Pirate Party for Spencer
Posted by Sarah at 2:04 PM 1 comments