Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A First...

It is sort of odd not having little babies running around anymore.. you feel like you don't have a first very often. With infants every month seemed to be a first! However, i've been able to experience different firsts.. seeing my girls in their first school plays, in their school programs where they recite lines themselves, Alexandra reading a book to Isabel for the first time, first report cards (especially when the teacher has very good things to say), being able to have a very intelligent conversation, watching your kids help a stranger to stand up on skates even though they are half the size of her, and the list could go on.

This past week, Alexandra begged us to take her training wheels off of her bike. Michael and I were very hesitant because we really did not want to have to put them back on if Alexandra changed her mind. But our daughter who is very determined and was trying to keep up with her many neighborhood friends, was riding her 2 wheeler within 2 days. Wow, what a first! We were soo proud of her. Now we'll see how long it takes Isabel to do the same. She definately isn't the type to be left behind!


Bridgette said...

WHOO HOO! She is doing great....Spencer just learned to ride WITH his training wheels. Way to go Alexandra!

We Three Queens said...

Way to go Alexandra!! We'll have to come by to see you ride. Great Job.

rebecca said...

Wow Alexandra! You rock! My Kylie (6) still uses training wheels. He he!

rebecca said...

Oh, and Sarah . . . I look forward to those days! I love the baby firsts (so, so very much) but I'm really enjoying passing firsts for the last time, and looking forward to many more "big kid" firsts. Enjoy the moments!

April said...

They are so big! What an accomplishment!

Jamie said...

Yay Alexandra! You go girl!