Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Our upstairs floors are a nightmare! Alexandra gets a splinter on a weekly basis. Although our bathroom remodel is still in need of cabinet doors, I just couldn't wait any longer to tackle floors! Meno, my brother was offering to help out with them, so I took him up on his offer. We began finishing the floors upstairs with the exception of our bedroom, hence the reason for my title. Not only is this Michael's and my room, but we have now been accompanied by our beautiful daughters! Boy are they in heaven! We don't have any excuses for them to go to bed now.. they can't possibly scared with Mommy and Daddy a few feet away! Michael says it reminds him of Mexico where families lived in one room huts. Needless to say, it really hasn't been all that bad. It's sort of like a sleepover that doesn't end.. hehe! Here are some pictures for now. It makes me so happy to check another repair/ remodel off the list. It's gonna sure make us appreciate our next house!


We Three Queens said...

Heck after all the work I'm not sure I'd want to move again. You're doing such a good job. Now I need you to come over and help me with some of my projects... I'm in need of some inspiration!!!! Help.........

Anonymous said...

You guys are so busy! The renovations look great! :-)

Jamie said...

You guys are the busiest bees I know. I can't wait to see the newly finished floors in person!