Friday, May 02, 2008

The Unexpected..

Well, we thought we were done making some major home improvements, atleast for a little while until.. THERE WAS NO HOT WATER! Boy, nothing wakes you up faster than a cold, I mean very cold, shower. Luckily my Dad was willing to come over on a Sunday and help us install a new one. The only downside was that we ended up buying a smaller size water heater. Now it's a race for all of us to take a shower w/out losing hot water :P Isabel kept coming down to supervise and make sure things are being done right.. she is just like her MOM!


Jamie said...

Aren't dads the BEST? Glad to hear you got your hot water heater installed allright!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. We just had to buy a new water heater too because our old one started leaking! (Yes, it was almost another flood!) My goodness! Home-ownership is not all it's talked up to be!