Friday, February 29, 2008

Cruisin' Together..

My parents have made roller skating a weeklyritual.. they keep us informed of the discount days so that we don't miss any opportunities. It has probably become A and I's biggest passions even over gymnastics and pretending they are princesses.. and that says alot! This week we were informed of $.28 day so we jumped on that deal! We decided to take Harrison and Zane along. To our surprise, everyone came! We had Meno, all of his friends, Angela, Addison, Yia Yia, Grandma Coy, and Aunt Kathy tag along. It was great fun.

It was really interesting to observe Harrison's reactions to skating. He is super athletic so it was very difficult for him to understand why there were kids much younger than him cruisin' around the rink with no problems. By the end of the night, Harrison could skate around the rink by himself. Zane was also a trooper. He would not give up and really enjoyed this new sport! Meno and his friends put on a great show while Addison kept asking for a snack bar break! Harrison is determined to become good at skating. He went so far as to even borrow Isabel's skates to practice!!


Ang said...

That was so fun! I can't wait until they can all skate on their own and we don't need to hold them up!

Jamie said...

Thank you SO much for posting these pics of roller skating. The boys seriously have not stopped talking about it. I'm so grateful to have had your help with the boys while we were gone. Thanks for including them. Let us know when you find more discounts. =D